Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Come Read with Us!

WHAT?  Wednesday Morning Book Club
WHEN? Three Wednesdays in January (5th, 12th, & 19th) @ 9:30am
WHERE? Faith Presbyterian Church in one of the KC rooms
WHO? Any lady interested in reading a great book and discussing it with others.  Great opportunity to invite friends who love to read.  


The book will be "revealed" and available at the first meeting (January 5).   We will have a time of fellowship, a short background/history lesson on the chosen book, and some time for brief discussion.  If you would like to come and have a book ready and waiting on you, please contact Kerry Cobb, our wonderful facilitator, by email or phone (968-3253). Soooooo....let us know!  We'll need to get you a book (discounted price, of course).

NURSERY AVAILABLE for ages 4 and under.

Also.......Wednesday Morning Bible Study will resume on February 2, 2011.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Ladies...We are needing any Christmas greenery from your yard, shrubs, trees, etc. that you can spare.   These will be used to decorate our church for Christmas.  As most of you know, our budget is tighter than it has been in years past, therefore, we are depending almost completely on donated greenery.  We would greatly appreciate your help in this.  Please help us make our church a lovely, festive and welcoming place by contributing.  There will be a box in the upper gathering hall for the greenery.  Please bring all greenery by FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2010.  For more information, please contact Lauren Shaw or Meg Decoudres.
EXAMPLES OF WHAT IS NEEDED: Magnolia, Spruce, Fir, Pinecones, Holly (berries)

Thank you so much and happy clipping!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mums, Anyone??

In addition to the pumpkins you all are loaning us (subtle reminder!) to decorate for the Thanksgiving service on Sunday, we will have some mums in fall colors that will be available for purchase for $10.  Plan to bring ten bucks to the service and check "table decoration" or "hostess gift" off of your Thanksgiving checklist.

We need one more helper to decorate the tables on Sunday after worship for about an hour. Contact Hallie Wagner (205) 613-6444 or  halliebwagner@gmail.com if you're interested.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lend Us Your Pumpkins...(or your gourds or squash).

If you're willing to loan us your (uncarved) gourds, pumpkins, or squash (all sizes, shapes and colors welcome) to decorate tables for the Thanksgiving service (Sunday November 21 from 5-7) please drop them off at the church on or before Sunday morning November 21st. You'll be able to take them home after the evening service.

If you'd like to help decorate tables on Sunday Nov. 21 after worship, email or call Hallie Wagner (halliebwagner@gmail.com 205.613.6444).

Friday, November 5, 2010


Ladies!!  Get in that closet and pull out those items that you just aren't wearing anymore.  The Women's Ministry at FPC is currently sponsoring an in-house clothing drive to benefit the women and children from The Lovelady Center.   Prayerfully consider giving any and all clothing that you just don't need any longer.  Below is a short list of the needs of The Lovelady Center.  Please bring the items to the church and place them in a designated box in the KC classrooms.  Also, please visit the website to read a bit about this amazing ministry.  For more information, please contact Whitney Oliver.  Thank you! 


Women's fall/winter clothing
Children's fall/winter clothing
Men's clothing (will put in their thrift store)
Shoes of all sizes
Purses and Handbags


Monday, November 1, 2010

Decking the Halls...

Ladies....We are in GREAT NEED of helpers to decorate the church and preparing for the Christmas season.  The "decorating date" will be Saturday, December 4 starting at 9:00am.  You may come help for any length of time that you are able to give that day.  Any and all of your efforts will be greatly appreciated.  The more, the merrier!!  No prior decorating experience necessary.  Please contact Amy Henry to become a helper. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Right Now.
1. Wednesday Morning Bible Study: 9:15am @ Faith Presbyterian Church (Childcare available)  "A Perfect Mess" by Lisa Harper.  Led by Meg DeCoudres, Aimee Jackson & Lauren Shaw 
2. Tuesday Evening Study:  7:00 @ the home of Ruth Baldwin  "Radical" by David Platt
3. Tuesday Evening Study:  6:30 @ the home of Marilyn Armbrester "When People are Big and God is Small" by Ed Welch


1. Christmas Preparation: Dec. 4...Decorate the church for the Christmas season.  Helpers needed.
2. Pizza Party for Mrs. Ogren's class @ Restoration Academy...let Amy Hudson know if you are interested in helping with this.
3. Clothing drive for Lovelady Center.  (Details TBA)

 Looking forward.

1. January Book Club: a few Wednesday mornings in January (dates TBA)
2. Winter Fellowship Dinner: Soup & Salad Night (Date/Time TBA)
3. Winter/Spring Bible Studies: Details to come....
4. Spring Getaway: A fun day at the river (Date TBA)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hello Out There

The Women at Faith Church now have a blog!  This will be a great way to keep everyone up to speed with what is going on and how to be involved. Check in every so often and read up on ministries, events, and Bible studies. Thanks for stopping by....