Monday, January 24, 2011


Women's Winter Fellowship Dinner 
benefitting Mrs. Janice Ogren's 11th Grade Class @ Restoration Academy

Tuesday, February 22, 2010 @ 6:30pm

Please come for this wonderful opportunity to serve Mrs. Ogren and her ministry at RA.  We will be collecting $5-$10 gift cards OR packaged snacks/candy for Mrs. Ogren to use as classroom incentives.  Ideas for gift cards would be McDonalds, KFC, WalMart, Burger King, etc.  Any sort of fast food location would be great.  Please join us as we fellowship together, hear about an amazing ministry, and join together to serve and encourage a fellow sister in Christ who is daily serving on the front lines of ministry across town.  Be thinking and praying about contributing to our "INCENTIVE DRIVE."

Also...let us know if you are able to bring a salad or dessert.  A sign-up sheet will soon circulate in your KC.  Thank you!!!

For additional info, please contact Amanda Dixon or the church office (991-5430).

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Save These Dates!


Wednesday Morning Bible Study:  

by Elyse Fitzpatrick
Starting back Wednesday, February 2 @ 9:15am
Contact Aimee Jackson to order a book (298-1839).
*Childcare available for ages 4 and under.

Women's Winter Fellowship Dinner:  
Tuesday, February 22 @ 6:30pm 
* We will be gathering to enjoy some yummy soups, salads, breads, and desserts together.  Our guest speaker for this event will be Mrs. Janice Ogren, an 11th grade teacher from Restoration Academy.  She will be sharing what her first year has been like as a teacher at Restoration, as well as, how we can continue to support her classroom and students.  

More info to come.  Stay tuned...

River Day Getaway: 
 Saturday, April 9 
*Join us for a morning and afternoon of teaching, fellowship and lots of food! We will welcome speaker & teacher, Candice Ashburn, to a beautiful setting on the Warrior River.  We will be meeting at the church and carpooling together that morning (exact time TBA).  Great opportunity to invite newcomers and friends!! 

Again...more info to come.  Stay tuned...