Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Drop-In Bible Study

Ladies’ Summer Bible Study 

This is a great opportunity to get into the Word with your sisters at Faith. Come on three Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30. There will be a different speaker each week, and refreshments too. All women are welcome! Nursery and kids’ activities are available. Contact Aimee Jackson (

July 13
 July 20 
July 27

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

In His Steps

Rev. Henry Maxwell, speaking slowly and determinedly, repeated his astounding proposition, "I want volunteers from First Church who will pledge themselves, earnestly and honestly, for an entire year; not to do anything without first asking the question, 'What would Jesus do?'" Maxwell never dreamed that among those who responded would be the most influential members of his congregation. Together they pledged themselves to a new step of faith that would change, not just a handful of people, but an entire town-for good."

Christian Classic?

     Admittedly, I waited a rather long time before searching for this summer's book club selection. I've read a lot of great stuff lately, but nothing seemed right for a book club. Some titles were too long. Some too serious. Some too sad. My search for "thee book" led me to research the top ten Christian fiction books of all time. I wasn't surprised to see many of C.S. Lewis' titles listed in addition to Bunyan's beloved Pilgrim's Progress. There were also some titles by Hannah Hurnard and GK Chesterton. And then there was Charles Sheldon's novel In His Steps. Never heard of it. Again and again, the book appeared on lists of Christian classics and it boasted some 30 million copies sold since its publication in 1896. Perhaps this was worth reading. My curiosity peaked, I ordered a copy.
    The book directly fits into a topic that I've been reading quite a bit about lately. What does it truly mean to be a disciple of Christ? This question is hardly a new one. Dietrich Bonhoeffer answered this question in his 1937 book, The Cost of Discipleship. More recently, David Platt revisited the question in his instant-hit, Radical, which is still sweeping the country. However, it is Sheldon's novel that is credited with asking the question that created both a witness tool and a fashion phenomenon--What Would Jesus Do? WWDJ?
Unlike Bonhoeffer or Platt, Sheldon uses fiction as a framework and his characters answer the WWDJ question by responding to a bold challenge---to make no decisions whatsoever for one full year without first asking the WWJD question and then obeying no matter the cost. The result is a quietly interesting read.
   Though antiquated, the book is surprisingly relevant and within a few pages, you forget that it's over 100 years old. The language is a little dated, but not distracting. The characters are charming and easy to identify with. It's not a flashy page-turner, but rather a thought-provoking book that leads you page by page on this year long experiment with seven very different characters. But (and it's a big but) the book has the potential for heavy criticism and debate. What are its strengths and weaknesses? Should it be revered as a Christian classic? Should the title be cited with the likes of C.S. Lewis as being top-ten worthy?     
   Put the beach reading down for a little while and read along with me. You be the critic. Will the WWJD question take on a whole new meaning for you after reading this book or will it just be another bumper sticker; another short-lived trend in American culture?

* Read Chapters 1-15 for June 22nd and the remaining chapters for June 29th.

* The book is available via Amazon for around $9.37. For the Kindle carriers, it's available for free. Due to a defective copy-right that was discovered in 1933, the book is available for download all over the internet also and it's perfectly legal (if you can read off of a computer screen or spend $1,000 in ink to print it).


for more info, contact Kerry Cobb.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June Book Club.


Faith Presbyterian Church Women's Ministries will be hosting a book club for two weeks during the month of June.  All women are welcome to grab the book, read, and show up for a wonderful time of fellowship and discussion.

BOOK TO BE ANNOUNCED on June 8.  This should give everyone enough time to find the book and read the first half.  Invite a friend and mark your calendar!!

DATES: Wednesday, June 22 & Wednesday, June 29 @ 9:30am.
Nursery care & Kids Activities will be available.  For more info, please contact Kerry Cobb.

Check back in for the book annoucement.....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

UPDATES & DETAILS: River Day Getaway


We are so excited about the upcoming "day-treat" on the Warrior River.  If you have not signed up yet, get in the game and put your name down!!  It's going to be great!!  Here are some details and answers to your burning questions.  Read on......

Detail One:
We now have ONE meeting location at 8am on Saturday, April 9.   We will have directions/phone numbers for everyone if you end up driving.

 Brookwood Mall back upper parking lot behind Macy's. Contact person: Betsy Barlow

Detail Two:

If you would like to contribute to the food supply for the day, we'd love for you to bring either a salad, something salty (appetizer/dip), or a dessert.  Drinks will be supplied.  

Detail Three:

We will be JOYFULLY accepting monetary contributions to give to one of Candice Ashburn's three ministries that she supports.  If you feel led and are able, please bring a gift to put in the basket.  Thank you!  

Detail Four:

We should arrive home no later than 6:00pm (if we leave by 5:00). 

Detail Five (last, but not least):

Wear comfortable clothing (including shoes), bring your bible, and come ready to be encouraged!! 

To sign up................
Contact: Meg Trammell

Monday, March 7, 2011


Mark you calendar!!

FPC Ladies' River Day Getaway is just around the corner.  We will be heading to a beautiful spot on the Warrior River for a wonderful day of teaching, fellowship, and of course....eating!  The Strickland's have graciously offered to host this event at their river house and can't wait to welcome all of you. 

Here is what you need to know.....

DATE: Saturday, April 9, 2011
 TIMES: 8:00am (we will meet and carpool) until 4:30pm
LOCATION: The Strickland's river house (maps & directions available)
SPEAKER: Candice Ashburn


*We will be asking for snack & lunch contributions, so let us know if you are willing to help.  Please bring either a salad, something sweet, or something salty (appetizer). Drinks will be provided.
**You may want to bring a bible and something to take notes on.
***Don't worry about who to ride with.  We will meet and carpool from designated locations.

1. 8am: Faith Presbyterian lower parking lot
2. 8am: Brookwood Mall back upper parking lot behind Macy's

**You can choose which location is more convenient and meet there @ 8am.

Ladies....this is a GREAT opportunity to invite a friend, neighbor, or a church visitor/newcomer.  Invite someone to ride with you as we journey to the river!!!

Sign-ups will begin this Sunday (March 13) in KC classes.  Watch for the clipboard.....

More information to come. 

Questions??  Contact Meg Trammell.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Women's Winter Fellowship Dinner 
benefitting Mrs. Janice Ogren's 11th Grade Class @ Restoration Academy

Tuesday, February 22, 2010 @ 6:30pm

Please come for this wonderful opportunity to serve Mrs. Ogren and her ministry at RA.  We will be collecting $5-$10 gift cards OR packaged snacks/candy for Mrs. Ogren to use as classroom incentives.  Ideas for gift cards would be McDonalds, KFC, WalMart, Burger King, etc.  Any sort of fast food location would be great.  Please join us as we fellowship together, hear about an amazing ministry, and join together to serve and encourage a fellow sister in Christ who is daily serving on the front lines of ministry across town.  Be thinking and praying about contributing to our "INCENTIVE DRIVE."

Also...let us know if you are able to bring a salad or dessert.  A sign-up sheet will soon circulate in your KC.  Thank you!!!

For additional info, please contact Amanda Dixon or the church office (991-5430).

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Save These Dates!


Wednesday Morning Bible Study:  

by Elyse Fitzpatrick
Starting back Wednesday, February 2 @ 9:15am
Contact Aimee Jackson to order a book (298-1839).
*Childcare available for ages 4 and under.

Women's Winter Fellowship Dinner:  
Tuesday, February 22 @ 6:30pm 
* We will be gathering to enjoy some yummy soups, salads, breads, and desserts together.  Our guest speaker for this event will be Mrs. Janice Ogren, an 11th grade teacher from Restoration Academy.  She will be sharing what her first year has been like as a teacher at Restoration, as well as, how we can continue to support her classroom and students.  

More info to come.  Stay tuned...

River Day Getaway: 
 Saturday, April 9 
*Join us for a morning and afternoon of teaching, fellowship and lots of food! We will welcome speaker & teacher, Candice Ashburn, to a beautiful setting on the Warrior River.  We will be meeting at the church and carpooling together that morning (exact time TBA).  Great opportunity to invite newcomers and friends!! 

Again...more info to come.  Stay tuned...