1. Wednesday Morning Bible Study: 9:15am @ Faith Presbyterian Church (Childcare available) "A Perfect Mess" by Lisa Harper. Led by Meg DeCoudres, Aimee Jackson & Lauren Shaw
2. Tuesday Evening Study: 7:00 @ the home of Ruth Baldwin "Radical" by David Platt
3. Tuesday Evening Study: 6:30 @ the home of Marilyn Armbrester "When People are Big and God is Small" by Ed Welch
1. Christmas Preparation: Dec. 4...Decorate the church for the Christmas season. Helpers needed.
2. Pizza Party for Mrs. Ogren's class @ Restoration Academy...let Amy Hudson know if you are interested in helping with this.
3. Clothing drive for Lovelady Center. (Details TBA)
Looking forward.
1. January Book Club: a few Wednesday mornings in January (dates TBA)
2. Winter Fellowship Dinner: Soup & Salad Night (Date/Time TBA)
3. Winter/Spring Bible Studies: Details to come....
4. Spring Getaway: A fun day at the river (Date TBA)