Thursday, October 28, 2010


Right Now.
1. Wednesday Morning Bible Study: 9:15am @ Faith Presbyterian Church (Childcare available)  "A Perfect Mess" by Lisa Harper.  Led by Meg DeCoudres, Aimee Jackson & Lauren Shaw 
2. Tuesday Evening Study:  7:00 @ the home of Ruth Baldwin  "Radical" by David Platt
3. Tuesday Evening Study:  6:30 @ the home of Marilyn Armbrester "When People are Big and God is Small" by Ed Welch


1. Christmas Preparation: Dec. 4...Decorate the church for the Christmas season.  Helpers needed.
2. Pizza Party for Mrs. Ogren's class @ Restoration Academy...let Amy Hudson know if you are interested in helping with this.
3. Clothing drive for Lovelady Center.  (Details TBA)

 Looking forward.

1. January Book Club: a few Wednesday mornings in January (dates TBA)
2. Winter Fellowship Dinner: Soup & Salad Night (Date/Time TBA)
3. Winter/Spring Bible Studies: Details to come....
4. Spring Getaway: A fun day at the river (Date TBA)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hello Out There

The Women at Faith Church now have a blog!  This will be a great way to keep everyone up to speed with what is going on and how to be involved. Check in every so often and read up on ministries, events, and Bible studies. Thanks for stopping by....